High Court of Gujarat Assistant Typing Test 2024, High Court of Gujarat District Judiciary and ASSISTANT/CASHIER on the establishment of the Industrial and Labour Courts No.RC/1434/2022(II) & No.RC(I/LC)/1434/2022(II) The Practical/Skill Test (Typing Test) Computer Based
Direct Recruitment to the post of ASSISTANT on the establishment of the District Judiciary and ASSISTANT/CASHIER on the establishment of the Industrial and Labour Courts in the State of Gujarat.
The Practical/Skill Test (Typing Test) Computer Based for the Candidates who are declared successful in the Main Written Examination (Descriptive Type) held on 12/05/2024 will be conducted on 25/08/2024 (Sunday) at Ahmedabad
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Note: Candidates shall not be permitted to use/bring, Keyboards/Mouse/any other Computer/Electronic equipment/accessories from outside, other than what will be provided to him/her during the Examination/Test.